

Top refinery in Europe

Every year, PCK turns about 12 million tons of crude oil into

  • Gasoline
  • Diesel
  • Fuel oils
  • Liquid gas
  • Bitumen
  • Jet fuel
  • Sulphur
  • Aromatics (benzene, toluene, xylenes)
  • Energy (electricity, steam)

PCK produces about 20 different qualities of fuel to meet a wide range of demands of the market. PCK was one of the first refineries in Germany to employ biofuels and is a major manufacturer of high-quality biofuel components itself. Of course, all our fuels are free of sulphur.


We produce 20 different types of fuel.

26 %

of the electricity we generate is fed into the federal state grid.

PCK forms a consortium refinery with its shareholders:

  • Rosneft Deutschland GmbH with 37,5 %
  • Shell Deutschland GmbH with 37,5 %
  • AET Raffineriebeteiligungs-Gesellschaft mbH with 25 %
    (Rosneft Refining & Marketing GmbH und Eni Deutschland GmbH)

Over the last 20 years, our shareholders have invested 2.5 billion euros in PCK - mainly for efficient technologies and environmental protection.

PCK holding company:

  • Mineralölverbundleitung GmbH Schwedt (MVL)

The PCK includes a crude oil tank farm, the Seefeld tank farm (TLS) and a pier in the Rostock oil port, the 78 km Schwedt-Seefeld pipeline, the 203 km Schwedt-Rostock pipeline and a hazardous waste facility.

Information for PCK’s neighbours


PCK works according to an integrated management system and is certified according to the ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 50001 standards.

ISO 50001: 2018

ISO 45001: 2018

ISO 14001: 2015

ISO 9001: 2015

PCK business segments

Efficient processing thanks to an innovative residue concept

PCK is a residue-free refinery. The final crude oil components that cannot be used otherwise are converted into electrical energy in the power plant (combined heat and power). This modern power plant supplies district heating to the city of Schwedt. Three stages of flue gas cleaning guarantee that more than 90 percent of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and dust are eliminated.

Eco-friendly logistics

PCK enjoys a strategic location on the Druzhba pipeline, which supplies Germany with 25 percent of its crude oil from a crude oil pipeline that is approx. 5,000 km in length. The Rostock-Schwedt pipeline provides PCK with crude oil in addition.

Berlin is supplied via the Seefeld product pipeline. Jet fuel is carried to Tegel airport by tank truck and to Schönefeld airport by rail tank cars.

Our logistics concept is one of a kind in its eco-friendliness.

The products are distributed as follows:

66 %

by rail

21 %

by pipeline

13 %

by road

Hazardous waste disposal

PCK Raffinerie GmbH operates a hazardous waste disposal plant.

Our corporate culture

Our corporate culture – our PCK

PCK's success is founded on the personal commitment of each and every employee.

PCK employees from all divisions have come together to develop the PCK code of conduct. It outlines the rules of conduct within the team, with partner companies, suppliers and authorities in their day-to-day work.

  • We act economically and customer-orientated.
  • We are able to recognise opportunities.
  • We utilise the possibilities of the market.
  • We are ready for change.
  • We have the courage to break new ground.

Every PCK employee is part of the company.
We work with great commitment for the success of our company.

We have a shared responsibility, not only for the well-being of our employees, but also for the region.

For us, it goes without saying that we protect PCK's property (financial, tangible and intangible), handle it with care and do not use or appropriate it improperly or without authorisation for our own purposes.

We protect PCK assets from waste, loss, damage, misuse, theft and misappropriation.

We respect the assets of others.

  • We reduce waste and emissions.
  • We use energy efficiently.
  • We manufacture high-quality products.
  • We are committed to a liveable environment and promote culture, art and sport.
  • We promote educational programmes in the region.
  • We support clubs, kindergartens and schools.
  • We look after our health and the health of our colleagues.
  • We strengthen our health awareness.
  • We live a healthy life.

PCK ensures that the workplaces and their surroundings (machines, equipment and work processes, chemical agents, etc.) do not jeopardise the physical integrity or health of employees.

Appropriate measures to reduce the risk of accidents and improve working conditions are the aim of regular optimisation processes. Employees also receive training on health and safety in the workplace.

  • We feel responsible for the safety of all PCK employees, our partner companies and neighbours.
  • We act consciously and are mindful.
  • We work in a disciplined manner and comply with regulations.

We are constantly improving by talking openly about our mistakes and learning from our own and others' mistakes. The safety of our employees and everyone on our premises is a corporate objective of equal importance to the economic success of PCK. Occupational safety is an integral part of all operational processes. We have therefore also defined measurable safety and environmental requirements in our work documents, which everyone is obliged to comply with.

Personal safety and process safety require more than just following the rules. We care about the safety of our colleagues. It is a misunderstanding of consideration if you do not draw your colleague's attention to unsafe behaviour. We all need to be aware of safety risks in our work.


  • We value honesty.
  • We are honest with each other and trust each other.

We trust each other and are tolerant in our dealings with each other. We treat our customers and suppliers with respect.

We contribute our knowledge and skills to the success of the company.

The ideas and suggestions of our employees help us move forward.

Anyone who works makes mistakes. We want to learn from our mistakes. It is therefore important to recognise mistakes and to evaluate them in order to prevent damage. It is equally important to report mistakes or misconduct, because we can only learn from mistakes that are recognised.

Business relationships based on trust are essential to our success. Everyone benefits from this trust.

To ensure that our business relationships are beneficial to all, it is important not only to understand the needs of stakeholders, but also to work with them honestly, respectfully and responsibly. This includes our partner companies, contractual partners and authorities. Competitiveness should always go hand in hand with lawful and fair behaviour.

Our business secrets and those of our shareholders, such as inventions, recipes, prices, etc., are valuable business information. We treat them confidentially and do not pass them on to unauthorised persons. We respect the business secrets of our business partners and customers in the same way.

PCK does not tolerate immoral and corrupt behaviour on the part of its employees and business partners. Decisions based on corruption are immoral, distort competition and damage our company's reputation and assets.

  • We treat each other, partner companies, suppliers and customers with respect.
  • We recognise each other's achievements.
  • We respect everyone's personality and individuality.

At PCK, every person is entitled to fair treatment, courtesy and respect.

We respect internationally recognised human rights and the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany and support their observance.

We treat others with consideration and respect and avoid creating situations that may appear inappropriate to others. We behave prudently and cautiously when dealing with political and religious issues.

We speak out against hostile, intimidating or humiliating behaviour.

We respect each other's work.

Our cooperation is characterised by respect and mutual appreciation. This means that we allow different opinions and are tolerant of different religions and views on life. We address problems openly and solve them together.

  • We make optimum use of our raw materials and resources.
  • We utilise our creativity and are constantly improving.
  • We work together in solution-orientated teams.

It is a matter of course for every employee to have the necessary discipline to carry out their tasks efficiently and safely.

  • We are professionally and socially competent.
  • We are experienced, reliable and goal-orientated.
  • We utilise our skills to provide optimal services.
  • We are constantly improving our qualifications.

Business relationships based on trust are essential for our success Everyone benefits from this trust. It is as much a part of professional behaviour as efficiency and entrepreneurial thinking.

To ensure that our business relationships benefit everyone, it is important not only to understand the needs of stakeholders, but also to work with them honestly, respectfully and responsibly.

This includes our partner companies, contractual partners and authorities. Competitiveness should always go hand in hand with lawful and fair behaviour.

  • Diversity is an enrichment for us.
  • Gender or age, marital status or skin colour, culture or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability or illness, religious affiliation or ideology play no role in our dealings with one another.

A culture of equal opportunities, trust and mutual respect is of great importance to us.

We treat all colleagues equally, regardless of gender, age, illness, marital status, skin colour, culture, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, religious affiliation or ideology.

Our employees are judged solely on their performance and deployed according to their skills and knowledge. Conversely, every employee must also contribute to the company to the best of his or her knowledge and ability.

PCK does not tolerate any unlawful behaviour in the context of the employment relationship.

  • We utilise an optimal professional exchange of ideas between the specialist departments.
  • We dare to ask questions.
  • We talk openly with each other.
  • We pass on our knowledge.

Each colleague passes on the necessary information and keeps himself informed of everything that is required to fulfil his duties.

At PCK, we emphasise open and accurate reporting and communication about our business transactions to shareholders, employees, business partners and the public.

We ensure that communications about our company are justified and appropriate. Communications must be true, accurate and not misleading.

Inadequate or false information can damage PCK's reputation and business. Confidential information must be protected.

Our corporate responsibility

As an employer in the region, we bear a high level of social responsibility. For us, responsible and sustainable action has long been part of our strategy. Since 1994, PCK has carried the Social and Environmental Seal of Approval and is certified according to ISO14001 with regard to its social and ecological behaviour.

Unsere Unternehmensziele

Unsere Führungsgrundsätze

Health, Safety, Environment & Energy and Quality

Unsere Energiepolitik

Further topics included in our corporate policy:

As a responsible company, we strive to treat our neighbours with care, compassion and respect. We are a reliable partner and an attractive employer and take our social responsibility seriously. This boosts the appeal of the region and of our company.

As a partner, PCK primarily supports sports clubs, schools and cultural institutions. One key aspect of our activities is to promote young people.

Education is the key to the future of our children and the development of our society. Support must start early: PCK supports day care centres in the city of Schwedt and the surrounding region.

As a major crude oil company in the State of Brandenburg, we want to spark interest in science among young people. Within the framework of school excursions, pupils are given the opportunity to experience our refinery live and learn about the technological processes of crude oil processing.

Once a year, PCK awards the “Preis für Naturwissenschaftliche Exzellenz” (Prize for scientific excellence) to school pupils in their final “Abitur” year from Schwedt. This prize is awarded annually to two such pupils each from the Carl Friedrich-Gauß-Gymnasium and the Talsand Schwedt/Oder Gesamtschule. It honours outstanding achievements in the natural sciences, both in and outside of school, and the social and community commitment of the prize winners. Each PCK “Preis für Naturwissenschaftliche Exzellenz” winner is awarded 1,200 euros.

PCK is the largest sponsor in the cultural, sports and social sector in its region.

Call for proposals for the award of the "PCK-Preis für Naturwissenschaftliche Exzellenz" (Prize for scientific excellence)

PCK Raffinerie GmbH strives to boost the culture of learning in the Uckermark region and encourage young people’s interest in science. For this reason, the company awards six prizes each year to school pupils who are in their final “Abitur” year in the Uckermark region attending a Gymnasium or a Gesamtschule. PCK thus honours pupils who have achieved outstanding results in the natural sciences and who have demonstrated a high degree of social or community commitment.

The prize is endowed with 1,200 euros per pupil.

Pupils who began their education in schools in the Uckermark region but are sitting their final “Abitur” exams outside the district may also apply for this prize.

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